07719 617349
07719 617349

Prices & Enquiries

Golf Lessons in Essex

Lesson Enquiry.

I’ll get back to you to arrange a date

Welcome to Sarah Bennett Golf lessons in Essex booking information. Please complete the document below prior to the first lesson which is mandatory even if you are a current client of Sarah Bennett Golf.

Sarah Bennett Golf Client Profile 2021

The Coaching guidelines below are relevant for the recommencement of golf on March 29th Sarah Bennett Coaching Guidelines

Video will only be used within the hour lessons and only e mailed when signed up to the annual communication platform of £60 a year on single purchased lessons via Coach now. Please ask for further details

£10 charge applicable for shared lessons (2 players)

A 48 hour cancellation policy is in place otherwise loss of lesson from package or full payment required.

Further information can be accessed by viewing the Terms & Conditions.

All lesson courses and vouchers are valid for 6 months from date of purchase  or first lesson and are non transferable.

Lesson packages or specials must be paid for in full at time of the first session

Initial lesson must be an hour to allow for assessment and is payable cash or cheque at time of the lesson.

Please complete the player profile form below and bring to the first golf lesson

Lesson vouchers can now be purchased using the on line payment page using Pay pal on the payments page


Sarah Bennett Golf Client Profile 2021  To be completed prior to initial lesson

Sarah Bennett Coaching Guidelines   To be read prior to the commencement of golf


