Raising awareness for Thymic Cancer
The past month has been tinged with mix of emotions following the unbelievable success of the third Wendy’s Thymic Fundraiser as detailed in my previous blog. If you did not read this it can be found on my website http://www.SarahBennettGolf.co.uk When I chatted with Wendy about the legacy she wanted to leave behind her primary focus was to prevent others from suffering the mass of uncertainty and invasive treatment she endured surrounding this aggressive cancer.
The fact there was only One Specialist in the UK three years ago who upon the diagnosis said there was no specific targeted treatment at this time. The same chemotherapy was used for lung cancer sadly which Wendy had an anaphylactic reaction. The surgery had not been performed previously so having to deal with the physical and psychological barriers was immense.
We hear so often the phrase “Raising Awareness” but do we really consider deep down the full implications of these two strong words and how we can actually action this. The research which we have commenced over the past three years raising in excess of £35,000 has been coupled with many instances to inform as many people as possible about the “silent” symptoms which is vital to successful treatment of Thymic Cancer.
Each time someone reads one of my journals detailing thymic tumours the chances the reader will not have ever heard or known a dear one who has contracted this type of cancer. My aspiration is for the reader to share or mention it to another family member or friend. the power of social media is huge although very few people “share”
However since Paul Smith the 2021 Colchester Golf Club Captain mentioned to me he wanted his charitable donations to go towards the research I set up three years ago. This was ground breaking as we were able to reach a large audience with the additional benefit of increasing research funds. I am so grateful for Paul for his initial insight which has been ground breaking.
Captain’s Charity News
October is a year where traditionally the 2021/22 Golf Club Captain is welcomed to their new role, I was delighted to have been invited by a good friend and GolfingGirl Linda Cross to her drive in as new Lady Captain at Orsett Golf Club on Sunday 10th October.
Linda was understandably nervous driving from the first tee but absolutely nailed it, the monies raised from the membership guessing the distance hit is a wonderful start towards our research. The venue for the 2022 Wendys Thymic Fundraiser Golf Day will be announced early November so watch this space.
I was blown away when Linda asked me a few weeks ago if it was ok if she could select Wendy’s Thymic Fundraiser… Wendy and Linda were great friends so a very special action. Linda has worked within the medical industry all her life so has a real interest within my long term plan. Linda’s knowledge has now increased over the three years so this will greatly assist within her practice and colleagues.
If a patient arrives with “unusual” on- going symptoms which just don’t follow the usual track, you never know the early “rule out” condition may just help save a life.
I would just like to Thank Linda so much for her continued support and thoughtfulness, I can never have imagined how the drive to fulfil Wendy’s wishes would have continued and gathered momentum over such a short short duration.
Best Wishes to everyone for their on- going support
Sarah Bennett
PGA Specialist Professional
PGA Captain Elect 2022