Sarah Bennett Ladies Golf Event
Well I can’t believe I have just held the sixth Sarah Bennett Ladies Golf Event which was attended by 20 fantastic enthusiastic ladies all ready to meet new friends and experience a Bennett’s Birdies Classic Golf Event.
There are a number of traditions within this special Sarah Bennett Ladies Golf Event which has grown considerably after the first event such as best hat which was keenly contested with the winner having hand made a Christmas box complete with a bow!
The home made Christmas cakes are always one of the sought after prizes and have been made using a long time family recipe.. not by me I hasten to add.
My role is the 5 am alarm call for the making of the all important mulled wine and mince pies which forms the main nutritional requirement of the day with the exception of the lovely two course Christmas lunch at Three Rivers Golf Course.
Sarah Bennett Ladies Golf Event
This year I commenced with a 30ft putting challenge aiming at the star of the show “Santa” which was won by Gill who rolled her putt to 1″ so was a deserved winner, all the ladies earned their mulled wine which was really appreciated with temperatures of a high at 9am of -2!!
I had come fully prepared so a warm up routine was provided but not quite as we know it.. only those ladies who attended will know what I am talking about, so I am not giving away any secrets!
Once everyone had located their clubs we were off for 13 holes of texas scramble on the fabulous Jubilee course which is ideal for players new to the game. The format is perfect ensuring everyone who plays feels they can contribute to the team score which was extremelyclose only 5 points separating the winners to 5th position. The first prize again was another one of Sarah Bennett’s Ladies Golf Event tradition..the hybrid head covers.
The raffle was won by our friend Maggie one of my original GolfingGirls who was delighted with her signed book, but more importantly we raised £50 which was donated to the Lady Captain for her 2015-16 charity so many thanks to my friends who supported the very worthy cause.
I received many e mails from the ladies who attended with one reading “It was another superbly organised day and I have now met a number of ladies to play and practice with”