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Winning Winter Golf

Winning Winter Golf

How do you fancy playing some winning winter golf this year? We all appreciate how suddenly we have to acclimatise to the numerous changes when we step out on the tee on those cold frosty, wet and windy mornings.

However with a little preparation the experience can become pleasurable and easier to transition as long as we prepare and manage our expectations. Here are a few pointers which I am sure you will be aware but if we can maybe choose a couple I am convinced it will help your golf.

Let’s start with the pre winter golf preparation which if we just organise our golf bag we are half way there.. I will write another article to follow suggesting a few technical areas to work on to improve your winter golf.

Warm Up

We all know about this one but how many times do we arrive 5 minutes prior to our tee time?  rush to the tee with a quick swish of the driver so many thick layers of clothing it is surprising we can move let alone make a full upper body turn. So, it really is worth investing in some layered quality cold weather clothing for winter golf in addition to a brisk walk round the practice ground if this is possible. Please do not be tempted to start with a static stretch which is one way to injure yourself.  The hottie hand warmers are brilliant a squeeze of the “tea bag” like sachet which keeps very warm for 6 hours. I put one in each cart mitten wearing in between each shot and when coaching. These are my winter lifesavers.

Remember “There is no such thing as bad weather just unsuitable clothing” Alfred Wainwright






The sun always shines on the Golf Course

I will be showing you a warm up video soon so please keep your eye open on my social media channels.

Extra Distance

It is incredible how much distance we loose in the winter due to a combination of the ground and air condition. The next four months everyone generally looks for additional distance over feel which is now a premium. The golf ball switch to a “distance” or firmer golf ball is recommended, save the softer “short” game ball for Summer.

It goes without saying you will need to go up two club selections to carry the same distance as opposed to Summer golf.  The winter rules pick, clean and place on the mown areas 6″ no nearer the hole assists to negate the “mud ball” so make sure you take advantage of this additional winter golf rule which generally operates from October-March

Spike Change

It’s time for a Golf Shoe MOT so treat yourself to some new spikes as many facilities utilise winter mats, some which don’t afford as much traction. However it’s time to invest in specific winter shoes or boots which offer warmth and support. I would not be without my winter black boots. If you have not read my blog on shoes why not take a look it is in the journal section

Let’s Get Creative

If you are able to carry why not take half a set switch between the odds and even numbers. This approach helps to become more creative, it’s a great way to learn feel playing half shots with the longer clubs, keeping the ball low in to the wind the advantages are endless. The popular format of 3 clubs and a putter very often surprises everyone with the scores which are achievable. It is worth investing in a waterproof bag too when trolleys are permitted plus a trolley cover to prevent muddy cars!




Winter Mats

Just be a little more attentive where the winter mats are positioned  a little more precision with alignment may be needed. It is all too easy to set your eye line with the top edge of the mat which is obviously impossible to position to suit every golfers shot shape therefore the target line will change.

Now is the time to ensure your selection of tees are suitable for the longer teeing grounds if in use and mats which may require shorter ones.

Please be prepared with your pitchfork on the greens, I have posted a video how to carry this out correctly on my Facebook page. Please don’t be the golfer who does not repair their pitch marks.





I hope you enjoy your Winter Golf and this has been helpful. I would love to read your comments below.