Winter golf practice
It was a little bit of a shock today when the deicer and bobble hat had to be located, however this should come as no surprise as we are well into the winter period now. Every October we should start to think a little more about what type of winter golf practice we are going to embark upon in readiness for our Spring golf season. Every golfer will have a different set of goals and expectations but if I can guarantee improvement I think that would make any golfer smile!
This is the time when I discuss with my clients to produce a winter plan which will involve fewer playing rounds with increased technical work upon specific aspects of the game. I am not advocating we stand outside for 2 hours hitting golf balls in sub-zero temperatures! There are a number of simple drills that can be carried out in the comfort of your home which is always an attractive proposition. I will be adding these into my forthcoming newsletter with other exciting news and events.
I am strong believer in using short game aids which can assist our putting, remember the requirements of training aids? this is a topic I wrote about a few months ago in Essex Golfer magazine, that reminds me I will be preparing my December article shortly so any topics you would like covered please let me know.
One of my favourite training aids is this putting mat designed by Andy Gorman which is totally waterproof , easily transportable, visual, simple to set up and is equally effective inside as outside on the putting green. What more could you want from a mat!
The gate tee drill is an excellent test with two tee pegs being anchored into the putting green which can simple be turned flat side down when using inside. The purpose of the positioned tees ensures the ball leaves the putter face with limited spin thus achieving a true roll. See if you can hit 5 putts though the gate without knocking the tee pegs down!
Contrary to belief the ideal putting stroke will not move back in a straight line but always on a very slight inside arc which again is clearly identified on the mat with black lines with the goal to maintain a square clubface relative to the lines. Try some winter putting practice for 10 minutes a day with some simple goals will really assist your stroke and confidence levels.
Remember please do not become score orientated during the winter months take the time to work on other aspects including Fitness which I shall discuss in the next blog.
I have a limited number of mats available so please contact me directly if you would like to see one or have a go!