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07719 617349

How to practice effectively at the driving range

How to Practice Effectively at the Driving Range

I hope this short article will reignite your desire and increase your knowledge of how to practice effectively at the driving range. I have coached full time now for 15 years spending many hours refining my game on the Ladies European Tour including USA, Asia and Australia.

Despite my 6 hours of practice, could I take my perfectly struck shots to the golf course on a regular basis? Read More

How to keep calm on the golf course

How to Keep Calm on the Golf Course

How to keep calm on the golf course? This is a question I am asked numerous times so I thought I would just provide a few areas which everyone can revisit. The interesting fact here is nothing will come as a surprise to you or be new information but how you "action" and approach each situation I do hope will assist.

Firstly there is no magic wand, secret fairy dust or special golf balls you can buy to help keep calm on the course. A few simple thought processes and tasks requiring discipline to implement can assist. As we all know there are no short cuts to improvements within golf. Read More

Cooked Spaghettti to reduce tension in the golf swing

Reducing Tension in the Golf Swing

Reducing Tension in The Golf Swing

Golf is a tricky game at the best of times but reducing tension in the golf swing with a few simple analogies I hope will help you to swing with freedom.

I know reading this subject line is already filling your head with those certain shots and holes when this happens on the golf course. Here are a few of my own personal situations when I know tension can become a "destroyer" when we approach those moments. Read More

GB&I Womens PGA Cup Team

Women’s PGA Cup 2022

Women's PGA Cup 2022

I could never have envisaged my incredible experiences as PGA Captain of GB&I could continue at the second Women's PGA Cup 2022 at Twin Warriors Golf Club.

My independent appointment as Captain of my wonderful GB&I Women’s PGA Cup Team was certainly the icing on the cake which involved all my knowledge amassed over the past 30 years as a competing Ladies European Tour Professional,  PGA Specialist Coach and just being me. Read More

Playing Golf in the rain

Playing Golf in the rain

Living  in the UK playing Golf in the rain is quite a usual occurrence, but a combination of the correct preparation, equipment, knowledge and mindset will certainly make life much easier.

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My Experience as a New Golfer

My experience as a new golfer

My Experience as a new golfer

"Imagine feeling inspired that your dreams of playing golf in your retirement years can be achieved;  that you haven't left it too late to learn how to play this game; of being able to meet new life long playing friends with the same interest and to look forward to spending many hours and days playing golf after having held a highly pressured job for so many years. I wanted to share my experience as a new golfer via Sarah Bennett Golf

These are my dreams however I feared I may have left it too late especially after taking myself off to my local golf range, trying to emulate the ease of striking the ball and seeing it fly through the air as my husband manages to do. Sadly I only experienced the disappointment of 'swishing' my 7 iron without making contact with the ball at all despite my best efforts. What to do?". Read More